mountain west ira

Simple Processes

Here at Mountain West IRA, we make self-directed investing easy:

When you open your account with us, our step-by-step process provides you with a blueprint to open, fund, and complete self-directed IRA investment transactions quickly, safely, and accurately.

There are three basic steps to self-directing your IRA funds:

  • Open an account
  • Fund your account
  • Choose an investment

To open an account, you will need to submit the following items:

To fund your account from an existing IRA, complete and submit the appropriate transfer paperwork with your application packet.

Once your account is open our office will submit the transfer requests to your current custodian. If you are funding your account from a 401(k) or other employer sponsored plan, you will need to submit a Rollover Certification Form and current statement for the account from which we will be receiving funds.

You will then need to contact your benefits administrator to initiate a direct rollover from your old employer to our firm.

  • Choose an investment, complete a Direction of Investment Letter, and contact our transaction department for a seamless asset purchase.
  • All future asset expenses can be paid by providing us with a Payment Authorization Letter and the appropriate invoice paperwork.
mountain west ira

Join Our Family and Start Building Generational Wealth.

Meet with our team to explore your personalized journey of building wealth through investing in real estate, promissory notes, precious metals, and other assets using your retirement fund.

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